Saturday, April 16, 2011

"Uncommon Encounters" Is Right!!!!

FROM THE BOOK: The Animal Dialogues
Uncommon Encounters in the Wild
by: Craig Childs
"Other than having a single lung, rattlesnakes are more of less the same as all vertebrates, including humans, only they are stretched long, the red bead of the heart resting above a cigar-shaped liver, followed by a ravel of intestines and a pair of lengthy kidneys. The snake has a few hundred sets of rib bones compared to a human's twelve. Ribs are connected to an equal number of vertebrae, which are hinged off of one another with ball-and socket joints, allowing the snake to freely articulate its entire body."

Hikers here in Southern Utah  have a healthy respect for the rattlesnakes. And even though they  are rarely seen or heard out on the trails here, we know they are out there...
We prefer not to see them and hope never to disturb one.
We also would never let the possibility of encountering this beast of the desert deter us from a great hike!! The possibility just adds to the adventure!!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

“Allow motion to equal emotion.”
 — Elbert Hubbard

Our weather here this spring makes one wonder what the summer will be like this year.  The end of March was warm, hot draw out an old, hardy tortoise into its warming light.  March is the earliest I've ever seen a tortoise wander from its protective den!!! And yet there one was...sunning on a rock on the side of the well trod trail of Paradise Rim!!  What a treat!!  What a great omen...for a good summer of hiking and discovery!!
and then....
April arrives with a bang!!!
April has left that old guy wondering about his motives.
April has brought snow...and no small amount either!
All the tortoises and lizards and snakes have run for cover!
All the beautiful wildflowers are bent over in shock...
I might doubt the omen of the tortoise...except for today...amongst the snowflakes we spotted a roadrunner perched on a black volcanic rock, staring us down!!!
Thats a more powerful omen than the tortoise!!
Yes indeedy it is!!
Bring on Summer!!
We are ready!!!
“You need special shoes for hiking – 
and a bit of a special soul as well.” 
— Emme Woodhull-Bäche

We high-tailed it to Zion National Park yesterday...for we felt sure that Obama was going to close it save a buck!!! We wanted to be sure to get a last visit in, not knowing how long the shut down might last?
Driving into the park...we quickly discovered that we were going to be in for a treat! The Park felt empty...and it was April no less!!!
Its very hard to describe how this park effects the soul.  No matter the time or cant help but be moved.  Yesterday was no was glorious to behold.  And even though the trail to Hidden Canyon was our liking anyway...we were not disappointed in the least.  We built tiny snow men, and caught snowflakes on our tongues, and pelted one another with a few lightly packed snowballs!! What a delightful way to spend an afternoon...among the snowflakes and magic of Zion!!!