Sunday, September 27, 2009

The best thing for being sad
is to learn something.
from: Once and Future King
by: T.H. White

(I bet Tank has never seen exercise balls before??!!)

Wednesday brought a bonus!!
We guides were treated to lecture after our hike; presented by the BLM (Bureau of Land Management)
It was very informative!!
It was a LOT of fun!!
These knowledgeable docents highlighted the intriguing critters of this area.
The star of the show was my personal favorite of our desert...the Mohave Tortoise!!
Tater-Tot &

Sure, there was a King Snake and a Gila Monster too!!
But Tank stole the show.
they estimate that Tank is about 50years old and Tater-Tot is 5years old
apples are his favorite treat!!

and I learned some new fun things....

(first you need to understand that we have been well conditioned around here. We have become downright fearful of a chance encounter with a tortoise on a trail!! Not because the darling tortoise is vicious or preditory, but because the tortoise is thought to be on the endangered species list. Which turns out really isnt the case. They are really only on the threatened list.
We have been literally brainwashed into thinking that any encounter with the tortoise is practically illegal!!!)
Most of what we have been indoctrinated in is mostly urban legend!
They are protected to be sure. And probably for good cause! There just arent enough of these grand creatures roaming the coral sands of our area!!
And so..... the REAl reason why we dont mess with the tortoise????
We dont want to scare the liv'in pee out of them...literally!!
As you can imagine, water is a scarcity around here. When a tortoise finds water, they have to make it last. And they can, for up to 3 months, in its bladder!! Imagine!!!
And if a giant human approaches a helpless tortoise,it becomes frightened, and wets!!! And then it has no water in reserve. Thats a BAD thing for a DESERT tortoise!! They need every drop of moisture they can get!!
Now I understand why we should give them a their space!! ah ha!!!

Did you know that Gila Monsters have venom!!?? Enough to cause REAL damage to ones epidermis if you get bitten!! They talked about the possibility of loosing an arm if you are bitten there!!! ugh!!!!And man do they bite!! And they dont let go!!! Oh my, those powerful jaws!!!I guess they're kind-of beautiful in a prehistoric kind of way?

King snakes are our friends!!
They eat rattlesnakes!!(among other things) BLESS THEM!!!

Tread gently Everyone

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