Saturday, October 3, 2009

A Man Hunt in Scotland!!

You can have extensive farming and
intensive farming; well, I am going to
have intensive living after this. Im
going to enjoy every second, and Im
going to KNOW Im enjoying it while
Im enjoying it.
from: Daddy-Long-Legs
by:Jean Webster

I'd like you to meet someone!!

This is Flora and she's a guest at the Ridge for the next few weeks.
Shes a dream guest.
She has a smile that will light up any room.
She has taken to our program- "hiking is fun!!!"
She loves life!!
She is full of youthful exuberance!!
And....she may be my newest hero!!!
You just gotta love women who takes their destiny into their own hands in hopes of making dreams and wishes come true!!
First I have Lynley, my sweet cousin, who left the southern comfort of her home and her family and friends. She left the lush greenness and humidity of the south for our hot, dry, red rock tundra, without nary a soul of acquaintance!! (except us)
And now I've spent some time with sweet Flora, and heard her story.
Its worth sharing.
Here we have a 30something girl who had an epiphany of sorts. She has come to realize that sitting in a high rise office for 62 hours a week, just wasnt getting her what she wants the most.
And what does she want the most you ask????
Eastern Canada has been her home, and the man of her dreams didnt manifest himself she has decided to go where her "ideal" man may be. Shes doing her best to stack the cards in her favor.
Flora will soon be casting off to distant lands, where the men are red-headed, freckled,and tall and handsome!! This dear woman has quit her job- bought a one-way ticket to the bonny land of Scotland where she has already landed a waitressing job-"what better way to actually meet people!?"
She's taking a month to be with us at the Ridge, "to kick her butt into shape and to do some "me" time." She signed up for a significant duration of intense physical activity...for herself!! I think shes already learned to love hiking!!
So I suppose....
Im not ashamed to admit that I'm am a little envious. The adventures of youth havent lost their appeal. Traveling, change, and the unknown are all things that have appealed to me!! This beautiful young lady has the world at her feet. Shes taking control, and not resolved to just complaining about what's not right in her life. Shes got Girl Power, and is doing something about it!! I feel certain that all of my 'girly' readers will be wishing her the very best in her new adventure. Some of us will even be jealous....
May the red-heads stand up and take notice!!!

Stay tuned for the 'Adventures of Lynley' as well!!

(I'll need to be sure to recommend THIS movie to Flora before she goes!! And this fabulously entertaining PBS mini-series called Monarch of the Glen!!! So fun!!)

Do you have a favorite red-head?

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