Friday, January 8, 2010

Hiking Red Cliffs Extreme!

My pallid words cant begin to describe a day like today! Or more specifically, a hike like todays!! The delightful ladies from California wanted something a little extra special and a little more challenging cap off their week (they have no idea yet about how special tomorrow will be for them when we take them to Zion!)
So...we drove to Red Cliffs to do the 'extreme' hike out past the ropes! These pictures tell it all!!
It was a superb hike with superb company!! Plus this time there was water!! Rushing streams and waterfalls!!
There was frosty coatings on the plants in the shade.
There were puddles of sunshine!
There was fun!!

And no good hike comes with out challenges!!

It was an amazing, glorious morning, and now I can finally say that I have my feet back under me...after what felt to be a long winters nap. Im hiking with confidence once again! Wish you could join us!!
Click here to see pics of our hike on Thursday to the cinder cone!!

1 comment:

  1. My goodness, it's impossible, but your photos keep getting more amazing!!!
