Monday, January 4, 2010

I believe that men are generally still
a little afraid of the dark, though the
witches are all hung, and Christianity
and candles have been introduced.
from: Solitude
by: Henry David Thoreau

I realize that one of the commandments has something to do with NOT worshiping graven images or idols....
I think I may be called out on the carpet on this one. I think I would be stating the obvious,when I say that I WORSHIP the sun!! (But I will also be found guilty of worshiping the Son as well. I know from whence all my blessing flow!!)
I have missed being in the sun these last few weeks! And am so pleased that I got my widening butt out on a trail today...and that this time I got my Builder to join us!! Yep...thats my second confession for the week...I aint been hik'in enough lately!!
And man does it show!! My legs and my lungs felt the neglect!! It was an interesting day for me.
I experienced several things today that I dont usually experience when hiking.
First: there was the "jelly legs." I honestly cant remember when I last 'lost' my legs, or when I felt that all I had was mush for legs as they protested to what I was asking them to do. I really cant remember!! (but... again....2 weeks without hiking hasnt happened to me in years either!) Thank heavens it didnt last long. It was over it quick, but it was humbling to feel the sensation.
Second: a received a lesson in empathy!! I've "jumped the crack" half a dozen times in my hiking career. I've coaxed, encouraged, and prodded hikers over the yawning chasm. was me who froze...not with cold...but with out-right fear!! (Where the heck did it come from!!!??) If it hadnt been for my Builder and Leanne, I would have turned around and gone back the way we came. It's very embarrassing to admit this, but its true. I was down on my butt, not daring or wanting to move...frozen...where formally I have just hopped, skipped or jumped across! I MUST go back, and soon and conquer the gap!! Just like getting back up on the horse!!
Nick was kind enough to point out that the only other time he's seen that expression on my face was when I sat on precipice, staring down into of pool of COLD water as we hiked through the Subway in Zion. I perched there wishing I was anywhere else in the world but right there, knowing that I'd have to jump in and swim...with no sign of sunlight warming a rock, for what seemed like miles!!! That was fear!!! Fear of being completely uncomfortable!! Today's fear was unreasonable, but real never-the-less. I am going back to prove whos boss!!!

It was another glorious day in Southern Utah!! We have guests arriving at the resort this week and for several weeks following. I'll be hiking most every day!! I cant wait!! Ive missed it so!! My toes have missed the coral dust between them!!

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