Tuesday, September 15, 2009


The sun hit me and Granpa in the face.
The world had got born again. Granpa
said it had, and he taken off his hat
and we watched it for a long time. Me
and Granpa had a feeling, and I knew
right off that we would come again to
the mountain top and watch the morning come.
from: Education of Little Tree
by: Forrest Carter

Life is good!!!
And even though in the very same breath I can also attest to the fact that life is very uncertain as well, Im stick'in to my gut....that on the whole life is grand!!!
Though no one can disagree that it is the uncertainty that keeps us humble.
But again this morning, Im once again marveling at the incalculable blessing my hiking job is for me!!

The alternative to not hiking might be me sitting home anguishing about the uncertain future and the impact the economy is having on the world...but no...
instead I hike the trails each morning reveling in the red rock wonder that is found in my own back yard. The grandeur of the desert truly does bring with it a sense of peace and comfort in its magnificence-every single time I get out in it!!

The desert is so quiet. You may not have known that about our desert. Even the birds are quiet and seem to reverence the space. Often all you can hear is the breeze fluttering through the silvery sagebrush or rustling past your ears. Or, if you stop for a moment, a pesky bug may buzz your head. To hear a call of a bird is a rare treat.
The most common creature we spy on the trails would have to be the darling little cottontail bunnies. These sweet little critters seem to be having a banner year. I'm noticing a greater abundance of these furry little coney's compared to years past. (Watership Down comes to mind) I'll take this as a good omen as well.

The relative silence is a calming balm to my soul that no music on my mp3 player can replicate.
I love breathing deeply out there in the sweeping badlands and to really smell the desert. Until you experience it for yourself, it can hardly be described how many unique and aromatic smells exist in a desert. There are several varieties of sage that posses their own unique smell. The creosote bush smells different in the heat of the day compared to how it smells when its raining. And dont get me going about the rich, poignant smell of wet, red desert sand!! In my heaven the streets will be paved with red wet dirt; to heck with gold!!!

Today our horizons are sullied by gray clouds of smoke. We can taste it and smell it everywhere. It's a little ominous. Tragedy has struck a nearby community. Forestfires are raging and have destroyed 10 homes in the last 24 hours!! My prayers go out to all the families whose lives will never be the same after such a sever blow from mother nature. But the fallout sure does bring with it some spectacular sunrises and sunsets enhanced by the smoke. WOW!!

So what am I really trying to say?
Once again, Im feeling enormous gratitude for the desert, and for my many, many blessings.
I feel such gratitude that I find" protection" in the hoodoos and redrock formations. There is something very restful and serene about the timeless mesas and canyons.
I seem to gain courage from the towering red sandstone cliffs which we traverse each morning. Its so easy to find oneself meditating on things eternal while out in the brambles or on the slickrock. It seems to come naturally to glimpse things of the divine out there. The world could come crashing down around my ears at any moment I suppose. Its true. But I am convinced now, that when and if I need comfort or reassuring that I might not be able to find in any other way, I WILL find it in "my" desert.

Im alive, and living in the greatest country in the world. I have a testimony of a divine plan for us all. I know why Im here and have purpose and perspective of the things that are most important. I am healthy. I have a family who I adore. I have a man at my side who still rocks my world. Each of these things are a gift and a blessing. I dont mean to brag. Thats not my intention. I just wish to express my gratitude, and to share with you what these vistas of the desert do for the likes of me. I get so much more than is expected!!!

I dearly love this "barren" land of ours. And I see no down side to my being able to gather coral dust between my toes.
I invite one and all to join me whenever you can!! These trails are made for sharing!!

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